AlignMark’s Upcoming Webinars
Our upcoming Webinar offerings change frequently. Please check back regularly to see all upcoming webinars.
Video-based Job Applications – A True Paradigm Shift in Hiring
Wed, February 22, 2023 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
Today almost 100% of companies still use a text-based application. Companies need to change this practice if they are going to compete for candidates in the future, especially if the candidates are from the millennial generation. While the process of posting a job and collecting application data is fine, the way it’s collected needs to change. Today a company has options.
Video-based job applications exist which create an interactive, video-based, experience for candidates that does more than just collect data. As applicants interact with the System they are getting information from the company and at the same time providing the company information on him/her. The company is able to provide their employee value proposition and actively recruit the candidate from the first second the candidate shows interest in a job.
In this 45-minute session participants will walk away with the following:
- An understanding of the difference between a video interview and a video job application.
- Pros and cons of using video techniques in the recruiting process (and yes there are cons).
- Why a paradigm shift is needed in most companies application processes.
- 5 Key benefits to using a video-based job application.
Recruiting Millennials Master Class
Wed, March 8, 2023 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
Does your company have what it takes to compete for millennial talent? Does your current hiring process attract them… or does it actually turn them off? These are important questions you SHOULD be asking.
It’s a definite problem right now and will only get worse over the next 10 years as almost 80 million Millennials enter the workforce. In this Master Class we will examine how the largest generation in our history will impact the hiring process. Find out what these Millennials expect in an application process, learn about technology’s role in the process, hear case studies and research, and more.
So, join us in this participative class to see what you and your organization should be doing to prepare for tomorrow’s recruiting and hiring demands.
New Ways to Recruit and Hire The Younger Generations
Wed, March 29, 2023 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
Recruiting and selecting Millennial and Generation Z job seekers must be different than it has been in the past. It is time to evaluate how you currently recruit and hire employees and identify what might need to change in order to keep pace and be in better position to hire this young talent.
Right now, the Millennial and Z generations account for about one third of the total labor force. This will only grow in the next decade and beyond as baby boomers retire from the workforce. These two generations have very different expectations when it comes to the world of work and the hiring process. Much of this generation has grown up with the boom in technology and use the internet for literally everything! It is important when hiring to be able to mirror these interactions to help engage these younger generations.
In this 45-minute session participants will walk away with the following:
- Why a paradigm shift is needed in most companies’ application processes
- An understanding of what Millennial and Generation Z applicants are looking for in an application process
- How to recruit these generations like they want to be recruited
- How to use video the correct way in the recruiting process.
Assessing at the Top: Unique Challenges and Rewards of using 360 Feedback with Top Executives
Tue, March 14, 2023 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
Few assessment experiences are more impactful than participating in a 360-degree feedback process. A well-constructed survey and a carefully managed process can lead to career-changing insights and a strong personal motivation to improve. However, 360 feedback is not a “one-size-fits-all” process. This is especially true when comparing supervisory and managerial-level 360s to that of your top Executives.
In this 45-minute session, Dr. Cabot Jaffee will explore the unique aspects of conducting Executive 360s, including:
- The case for assessing at the top
- The challenge of collecting candid, honest feedback
- Navigating the “limited observation” reality
- The best approach for delivering constructive feedback to seasoned leaders
- What constitutes successful Executive development, and how does that differ from Managers
- The BIG PAYOFF to getting this right!
BONUS: All attendees will receive AlignMark’s 7-Step 360 Implementation Checklist – a valuable roadmap to keep you on track as you manage your next 360 process!
Why ‘Old School’ Leadership doesn’t cut it any more… 5 Emerging Qualities You MUST have to Achieve Extraordinary Results.
Tue, February 14, 2023 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
Everyone has seen the classic lists of what it takes to be a successful leader. Skills such as: Confidence, knowledge of the industry, honesty and integrity, good communication skills, etc. are all very important and have been a focus for a long time.
But here’s the problem… Times are changing rapidly and therefore our future leaders need to be prepared! Leaders need some additional skills to thrive in this new VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous).
In this 45-minute webinar, we’ll discuss the 5 Emerging Leadership Qualities You MUST HAVE to Drive Results. We’ll arm YOU with the information you need to:
- Focus on yourself first, using keen self-awareness as a powerful tool to engage and motivate others.
- Break the mental “status quo” and prioritize curiosity and learning
- Create and communicate a clear and compelling vision for the future, providing your team with a powerful “why” – rather than just the “how.”
Why Most Companies Fail to Fully Leverage 360 Surveys, and How You Can Do it the RIGHT WAY!
Tue, April 11, 2023 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
Although the pitfalls are well documented, organizations large and small continue to leave huge opportunity on the table when it comes to 360-degree feedback. It’s not for lack of effort or commitment to the process, rather it almost always stems from lack of knowledge, structure, and accountability.
In this session, Dr Cabot Jaffee will clearly outline the difference between 360-feedback programs that produce lasting results and those that don’t (and why this is the case). You’ll learn practical strategies to help you avoid the most common missteps and use the 360 process as an anchor for lasting, positive behavioral change.
If you’re considering conducting a 360-feedback process within the next year, you won’t want to miss this 45-minute online session!
BONUS: All attendees will receive AlignMark’s 7-Step 360 Implementation Checklist – a valuable roadmap to keep you on track as you manage your next 360 process!