What are Video-based Applications?

Today almost 100% of companies still use a text-based application.  Companies need to change this practice if they are going to compete for candidates in the future, especially if the candidates are from the millennial and Z generations.  Companies are still letting their Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) drive their processes.  And while the process of posting a job and collecting application data is fine, the way it’s collected needs to change.  Today a company has options.  Video-based applications exist which create an interactive, video-based, experience for candidates that does more than just collect data.  As applicants interact with the system they are getting information from the company and at the same time providing the company information on him/her.  The company is able to provide their employee value proposition and actively recruit the candidate from the first second the candidate shows interest in a job.

Why use a Video-based applications?

This process is significantly better than the traditional text-based application for 5 key reasons:

1. Active Recruiting versus Passive Recruiting

Today’s generation of applicants expects information. With a text-based application all the individual is doing is giving the company information without receiving anything in return.  At the end of the application the candidate has no idea how much of a fit they may be for the company, they have to go to other areas of a website to find out more about the company, and they may never find what they are looking for.  With a video-application the company is able to actively recruit the candidate from the beginning of the process.  A 15-30 second introduction about the company (from a candidate’s perspective) starts establishing why the candidate might want to work for the company.  And as the process continues and the candidate answers each question, the video gives the candidate more information about their choices and more about the employee value proposition relative to the candidate’s specific responses.  In other words, the system branches depending on the candidate’s responses, and therefore gives him/her the information most relevant to him/her.  This sets the company apart and allows you to become the employer of choice.  This in turn should significantly increase the number of candidates who complete your entire hiring process, and more importantly, increase the number of candidates who accept your offers.

2. Appeals to tomorrow’s workforce better

We know that “tomorrow’s workforce” will be made up of more millennials and generation Z individuals.  These generations have totally different expectations when it comes to the world of work and the application process.  They are used to using the internet for everything and interact in certain ways.  To the extent that a company can mirror those interactions in the application process the company will win the war for that talent.  These generations are used to video, they are used to interaction, they are used to giving their information on the web but only in return for something.  The traditional text-based applications and processes meet none of these criteria.  Therefore, make sure your future application process has video, is interactive, provides useful information to every candidate, is quick and easy to use, and provides immediate feedback.  If you do these things then you will have the cream of the crop to choose from when it comes to candidates.

3. Captures only useful information and therefore saves time for the candidate

Candidates are less and less willing to spend 30 minutes filling out an application online. And face it, a lot of the information in the traditional application isn’t used to help make decisions on whether you will invite the candidate to the next step in the hiring process.  For example, when was the last time you looked at the High School the candidate attended in order to decide whether to interview them; or who their employer was 10 years ago.  I’m not saying you may not want to collect this data later in the process if you’re truly interested in it but don’t waste the candidate’s time collecting it up front if you are not using it in your decision-making process.  Anything you do use in your decision-making process can be automated and rules applied in video-based applications as well.

4. Candidates simply like it better

Today candidates expect a lot from the Internet. They expect video; interaction; good information, and more.  When you meet someone’s expectations they like it much better than when you don’t.  And when expectations are met early in the recruiting process, you are setting yourself up to become the candidate’s employer of choice.  In other words, you are giving yourself a competitive advantage over the other companies in which an applicant may be interested.

5. Social Media Recruiting

When candidate experience something positive on the Internet they share it with their networks. Recruiting applications are no different.  By allowing successful candidates to earn a badge and share their experience you are able to increase your applicant pool without any increase in marketing dollars.  In other words, your candidates become your recruiters and they don’t even know it.


By meeting applicant’s requirements for an application process and form, the company will realize significant benefits.  First an increase in the number of candidates from which to choose.  Second, an increase in the offer to acceptance ratio.  By recruiting from minute one you are showing your value proposition to each candidate which gives you a huge head start over the competition.  Third, from your successful candidates your application can go viral and you can gain and increase in applicants with no increase in marketing costs or time.

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